Building on its track record with (EU-funded) Stars4Media and (EMIF-funded) Stars4Media-FACTCHECKING, Europe’s Medialab has applied for a research project under the EMIF priority ‘Research for a Transparent and Resilient Information Ecosystem’, specifically on the implementation of structural indicators. 

The project would estimate the economic benefit to the media sector in Europe from good implementation of trust indicators into platform algorithms, in the context of growing AI opportunities. At the end of the research project, the key is to document and deliver an estimated range (possibly  in the hundreds of millions or bn €).

The proposal tackles specific topics like: 

  • Media Resilience 
  • Advertising and Subscription business model
  • AI & Trust
  • Fighting disinformation
  • Funding media projects
  • Regulating platforms
  • Boosting trust indicators.

The project would be co-led by two former members of the EU High Level Group of Experts of Disinformation and both on the Advisory Council of EDMO: our Chairman, Christophe Leclercq (also founder of the media EURACTIV) and Prof. Gianni Riotta, from LUISS University in Rome, also a well-known journalist.