• Extra points will be allocated to applications that are presented with a confirmed partnership (“paired media organisations”). Applicants without a partner organisation (“unpaired”) are strongly encouraged to clearly demonstrate a strategy to find a partner by the start of the EXPLORE phase;
  • Freelancers and individuals not associated with a media organisation cannot participate in the programme;
  • Applying project teams must prove their adherence to international journalistic and ethical standards. The reputation and credibility of media organisations may be checked by the programme consortium;
  • To reflect current times, needs and shifts in the media sector, the Stars4Media NEWS consortium has decided to further strengthen the East-West cooperation by strongly encouraging projects involving Eastern European media organisations, either based in their countries or in exile:
    1. Given the situation in Eastern Europe and the relevance of good information, the jury is empowered to select two ‘Exceptional East’ projects, even if they fit only some of the normal eligibility and selection criteria; this may involve special handling of exile media
    2.  in addition, for any project, any Eastern European media team may participate as a subcontractor to a media in an eligible country.