Europe’s MediaLab is a THINK-and-DO-TANK that helps foster a sustainable media ecosystem.
Our sources of income are diverse-funds awarded by grant-making organisations, such as foundations, EU Institutions and corporate sponsors.
Interested partner funders are welcome to join in and support Europe’s MediaLab activities where objectives and principles are mutually beneficial.
We welcome partners engaging in projects, participating in studies, providing training and specific expertise and promoting knowledge sharing.
DO – Training and Innovation: Training is an integral aspect of our organisation’s sustainable growth in a time of media crisis. Over the past 15 years, we have trained about 1,000 media professionals, including cross-border media cooperation.
Our flagship programme is Stars4Media, which enables media professionals, media organisations and technology companies from EU countries, to work together in bottom-up Initiatives to test ideas and technologies, develop new business models and produce journalistic content.
Together with our consortium partners: VUB University, the European Federation of Journalists and the leading publishers’ association WAN-IFRA, we are implementing the third edition of the programme: Stars4Media-NEWS (co-funded by the EU), where participating companies work across border with another media organisation (including Ukraine, and exiled media from Belarus). They benefit from ad hoc and in-depth coaching from recognised experts in the newsroom and business transformation.
THINK – Media Policy: We have a strong track record of working with media across borders. We have played a strategic role in many projects, demonstrating our ability to efficiently bring together the best players. Extensive experience and deep industry knowledge are our strengths. We are a trusted and knowledgeable partner for stakeholders and the EU institutions. We provide innovative and original tools and ideas to deliver policy events and innovation projects, led by a highly skilled and experienced team.
Two studies have recently been carried with partners for the EU Commission‘s DG CONNECT, on European digital distribution of quality media:
- Media innovation feasibility – EU Strategy study on content-sharing European platform(s) (2021).
- Media Data Space Project (2022).
Our expertise covers strategy, research and events on media policy, policymaker relations, business models, editorial and legal issues, coordination of regulation of communication and distribution platforms, disinformation and governance.
Stars4Media-FACTCHECKING is a project funded by EMIF (European Media and Innovation Fund) (Ongoing).
A Research project Stars4Media-TRUiST, focusing on the implementation of trust indicators, has been introduced in response to the latest EMIF call: Research for Transparent Information Ecosystem (April 2023).
In the current second mandate of EDMO (European Digital Media Observatory), Europe’s MediaLab has been upgraded as consortium partner. Europe’s MediaLab governance expertise is growing and we are considering the creation of a pool of media experts who could provide governance and advice to media company boards.