Some exciting news, Stars4Media first podcast #Voices4Media is out:
Media and press are under attack from all sides wherever it is a war, disinformation, propaganda or the lack of trust in them, they are suffering. Voices4Media was created with media and press professionals in mind in order to help with one of those problems, media modernisation. As paper dies and the world becomes progressively digitised and interconnected it is important to keep up with the times. With the voices of major media innovators, we will explore how the media can approach the digital era and thrive on it.

Episode 1: Discussing innovation in media: a mindset, a strategy or an approach?
For the past decade the news media industry has been constantly evolving and re-inventing itself. Yet innovation does not only refer to the new and cool gadgets, but should also reflect on a change of company’s culture and business approach. In the first episode of the #Voices4Media Podcast, we look into media innovation, what it entails and the challenges it brings. For this occasion we sit with prof. Alexandra Borchardt, Senior Research Associate of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford, to name a few. Seasoned media expert and researcher , Alexandra shares some inspiring thoughts and gives her own look into what the future of media might look like.
Episode 2: Tech tools in media & how these help fight disinformation
Today’s media industry is struggling to stay profitable. Many are searching for a solution in new business models and a different approach to journalism. In the same time, new digital formats and technology are allowing journalists to tell stories in more immersive ways. In the second episode of #Voices4Media we sit with Lina Timm. Lina is a passionate enabler of innovation in journalism and media. She is also a CEO at Medien.Bayern, the company she founded in 2015 to help talents start their own innovative projects and start-ups in digital media. Since then, Media Lab Bavaria has grown exponentially to offer more tailored support to media innovators through 7 dedicated departments.
Episode 3: Can new business models for media & rely on data ?
In this, third, episode of #Voices4Media we sit with Head of Editorial at Reuters Institute, Eduardo Suárez. Eduardo is the co-founder of two news start-ups and an accomplished senior journalist with experience in Europe and the United States. His work include covering the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign for Univision and publishing three books on American politics. We sit with Eduardo to discuss the 2021 Reuters Institute Digital News Report and new emerging media business models.
Episode 4: What does it mean to be a journalist in 2022?
In today’s episode #Voices4Media is proud to be in a company of Pulitzer winning journalist, Mar Cabra. Mar is an inspiring media professional. Mar is multimedia investigative journalist, and a freelance data journalist and reporter with International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, having worked for BBC, CNN+ and laSexta Noticias and many others. Mar was also Head of the Data & Research Unit at the ICIJ, known for high impact investigations such as the Panama Papers or Luxembourg Leaks. With Mar we discuss data in news and also wellbeing of journalist as she shares her findings from 15 years of experience.
Episode 5: Looking into relation between trust, media & tech
In the last episode of #Voices4Media we sit with prof. Luciano Morganti from the VUB Research centre specialised in social scientific research on media and ICT. Prof. Morganti is also Stars4Media Project Manager, working first hand with media innovators of tomorrow, providing them with expert advice and guidance. Today prof. Morganti dives deep into the growing trust gap between audience and media, technology as an ally for journalists and the role of innovation in building constructive journalistic product – and how these are reflected and supported by Stars4Media. #Voices4Media is a podcast on media, for the media and by the media.