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Boosting and integrating correspondents: a Brussels infrastructure for democracy

EU a​nd NATO are essential hopes for Eastern Europeans. But coverage “on the ground” is limited, leaving room for both ignorance and disinformation. Eastern European media are eager to send more reporters: they need practical help, not only money but introductions. The goal is to triple that number of Brussels correspondents, in five years.


The Maison du MédiaLab residence will host Eastern European Brussels correspondents, offering them not only accommodation in the heart of the EU policy making for 6 months (on a rotation basis) but also professional development with networking and training opportunities.

Read the article presenting the Maison du MédiaLab in

What are the quantified goals?  Tripling !

In a few years, assuming the majority manage to stay in Brussels, we anticipate to support tripling the number of Eastern European accredited correspondents in Brussels: indeed they are only 9 today, far too little.

The narrative: initial pioneer

Located in a typical ‘maison de maître bruxelloise’, Maison du MediaLab already hosted an Ukrainian journalist refugee (now TV correspondent): Sofiia Nazarenko. Her inspiring journey as a refugee and her experience with founders Christophe Leclercq and Sharon Leclercq-Spooner are featured in two videos:

1. Hear how hosting a journalist fitted in the initial Ukrainian refugees’ wave:


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2. Learn about how the Maison du Médialab project was born and its ambition: