Initiative formed by the online Italian news outlet Linkiesta and by the podcasts production agency Bulle Media, specialized in journalistic production. The purpose of the project was to produce a podcast series on European integration, based on data journalism and thorough historical research. The series has dealt with six social and economic topics (wounds) that are relevant to the politics of European nation-states and, beyond that, to the Union as a whole. Six episodes of the podcast have been produced, according to the plan, each focusing on a specific issue:
- The Catalan issue
- The integration process of Germany after 1989
- The open wound between the two Irelands
- The fallout of the Rule of Law in Poland and Hungary
- The division of Cyprus
- Scenarios of a post-Brexit England
Deliverables: Podcast series Oltre l’Europa (language: Italian).
Watch the video here. Download the presentation (pdf).